Why We Need to Be Still…

Why We Need to Be Still…

Sometimes: We Need To Be Still Author: poleni1 Meditation – Ommmm….Ommmm…. The sound of the word can create images of seated monks singing words that you do not understand. Or maybe people in loose dresses who marry words of universal love. Forget your preconceived ideas about what you think meditation may be and focus on the results of regular practice. Take a moment to imagine a day that begins peacefully and clearly and well executed….

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God Can Bring Water From The Dry Place

God Can Bring Water From The Dry Place

A Testament To His Power & Authority In the face of adversity and despair, it’s natural for humans to seek hope and solace. Throughout history, countless stories have emerged, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit. Among these tales, there is a recurring theme: the divine intervention of a higher power, proving that even in the driest, most barren places, hope can spring anew. God can bring water from the dry place, emphasizing that His…

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Knowing Your Refuge and Strength

Knowing Your Refuge and Strength

God is our strength The source of our strength is the one Spirit, the Holy Spirit. When we depend upon Him, all things are possible. “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13 It’s so easy to take God for granted. We forget that He is all-powerful and can do anything at any time. The Spirit of the Lord is our strength, and He gives us power beyond measure. It…

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Losing Your Job

Losing Your Job

Losing a job can be frustrating when you are not prepared especially when you are the breadwinner. However, you must be able to start fresh. Life has to continue – your life has to go on. Maybe consider starting your own business or continuing the hunt for a new job. This is just one of the options to take, when you want to move to the next level of life. Remember that God’s time is…

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The Lilly And Its Flower

The Lilly And Its Flower

Lilly flower: A beautiful lesson for your life Nature provides us with valuable teachings to apply in our daily lives. Such is the case of the LILLY FLOWER. It grows in horrible swamps, but blooms successfully becoming a beautiful flower. This fact of nature sends us a powerful message: you can get ahead even in the worst circumstances. People tend to believe that those who grew up in a wealthy family have a blissful destiny,…

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Jesus Said To Her, “Touch Me Not”

Jesus Said To Her, “Touch Me Not”

“Do not touch me”: the phrase that Jesus said to Mary The biblical language has its own codes which need to be deciphered correctly for everyone to understand. Such is the case of the text according to John 20:17: after Jesus’ resurrection he says to MARY Magdalene: “Do not touch me because I have not yet ascended to my Father”. This occurs in the context that MARY Magdalene had gone to Jesus’ tomb believing that…

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When You Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

When You Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Just Believe That You Will… Article by: J. D. Rodriguez At some point in our lives, we will meet challenges that may seem impossible from a logical perspective. Sometimes, these challenges will demand from us to step into unknown territory and do things that seem irrational. This may be a sign that God is testing your faith and showing you a new path to walk on. Undoubtedly, when you step out of your comfort zone…

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When Your Cup Is Empty

When Your Cup Is Empty

Walking In The Spirit Towards A True Spirituality Written by: Josee H. Sometimes as we go through our daily lives we may at times feel empty. The cup speaks of our lives, our activities, our contemplation, and our convictions, even our internal being. It is God’s longing to pour the blessing of the Holy Spirit into us, His children. He needs us loaded up with His Spirit, with His Love, and His Salvation, so that we…

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Your Circle Becomes You

Your Circle Becomes You

The importance of building a solid bond in our closest circle The challenges of daily life are best met if we are in good company. Having strong emotional ties with our family and friends will give us the inner strength to overcome adverse circumstances. We must build a close CIRCLE of people we can trust to talk about our personal problems. When we experience difficult situations we need to listen to other points of view…

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Be Anxious For…

Be Anxious For…

We’re all worried of something and are troubled by something that is beyond our control. It may vary on different factors such as the judgment of the world depending on your appearance or belief, or the amount of expectations that are on your shoulders that you cannot thoroughly fulfill. Your heart starts pounding, you are sweating, and your mind is running faster than a Ferrari. You don’t know what to do and breathing suddenly becomes…

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