In The Face Of Odds

In The Face Of Odds

The Propelling Force in the face of Odds In the face of Odds, it is the inward motivation you have that keeps revving the engine of our life. We need to be persons of persistence and endurance. As persistence is like a habit to some, so is quitting. We know the familiar and sometimes obvious thing… “that quitters never win and winners never quit”. What is it that you are passing through? You must have…

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Learning To Manage Your Uncertainty

Learning To Manage Your Uncertainty

Uncertainty: You Can Beat It During the course of life we must make important decisions. The problem is that many times we are not prepared to face those decisions since we do not know which is the best direction to follow. The UNCERTAINTY is total: we have several options to choose from, but we don’t make any decisions because the options available are too complicated. In the face of UNCERTAINTY, the best option is to…

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Don’t Wait For Things To Be ‘Perfect’

Don’t Wait For Things To Be ‘Perfect’

Don’t wait for things to be ‘perfect’ Guest Article by – INDRA Hiya, how’s your week so far?  Whatever the tone, tempo or temperature, you’re making it through another day so that’s one reason to celebrate with a thankful breath. [You can also feel free to.… Listen to the audio here ……] Okay, so let us address the elephant on the screen 🐘 💻 (that rather long blog post title: “don’t wait for things to be perfect for you to…

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Running Your Faith-Based Business

Running Your Faith-Based Business

One of the most profitable endeavors to engage in is the faith-based business. Identifying a niche in this industry such as selling marriage guideline and child discipline CDs, Magazines, books among other products and services it is possible to have a profitable business Have integrity in the business. You being in a faith-based business means providing products and services with the highest level of ethics and professional conducts. Note you are serving a large market…

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Learning From The Honey Bee

Learning From The Honey Bee

The Honey Bee Mindset: A Tool For Success We all go through difficult situations that leave us in the uncertainty of not knowing what to do. Although it may seem difficult to assimilate, even in the worst circumstances it is best to remain optimistic. The power to transform an adverse context is in our thoughts. Every time we have to face a negative context we have to apply THE HONEY BEE mindset. This proposes to…

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Be Mindful Of The Scarcity Mentality

Be Mindful Of The Scarcity Mentality

Tips To Overcome The Scarcity Mentality The SCARCITY mentality is a limiting belief that we are always missing something. This mentality holds that we are not good enough, which applies to any area of life. For example: we never have enough money, we still don’t have the ideal body, we don’t have enough academic training, we lack work experience, etc. The SCARCITY mentality also underestimates what we already have, denying it the value it deserves….

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Are You Relocating? Why?

Are You Relocating? Why?

HOPE FOR RELOCATING – ASPIRATION FOR SUCCESS Sо mаnу tіmеѕ whеn wе fееl thаt оur lіfе іѕ nоt gоіng thе wау we need to, оr whеn wе fееl thаt еvеrуthіng thаt іѕ hurtіng uѕ оr hоldіng uѕ bасk іѕ іn оur іmmеdіаtе еnvіrоnmеnt, wе thіnk thаt lеаvіng thіѕ еnvіrоnmеnt wіll brеаk thе dеаdlосk. But will іt? Yоu nееd tо аѕk уоurѕеlf – аrе уоu rеlосаtіng оr runnіng аwау? Rеlосаtіоn іѕ a stressful еndеаvоr thаt rеԛuіrеѕ…

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Losing Your Job Is Hard…

Losing Your Job Is Hard…

Author: Corey Worrell LOSING YOUR JOB IS HARD – still hard for me. It’s midnight and I sit to write this post as a means of encouragement to all those who were retrenched, made redundant or fired – whether in the public, private or NGO sector. Losing your job can be a traumatic and difficult experience for many and what makes it even harder is if it was sudden. I was a satisfied civil servant…

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You May Have Gone Through It Too

You May Have Gone Through It Too

At times we wonder why we go through those rough patches. Just consider that many times we hardly ask ourselves why we are going through a good stint, we may tend to jump right in and enjoy it. However the minute that there is “the valley of the shadow of trouble” – our questioning may become more intense. Seeking answers on “Why” this is happening and for “How long.” Now when these rough times or…

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For The New Student

For The New Student

Generally, to have a very good academic record mainly as a new student, a proper study skill has to be learned and also mastered. Not everyone has the same style of learning nor the same style of studying. Essentially what matters is that whatever be your style, it must be optimized and this is only possible if one follow proper study skills especially as a new student. If as a student we are not doing…

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