Faith Conquers

Faith Conquers

Faith Conquers All. The word “FAITH” is a word commonly used by many people. What is surprising however is the fact that many use the word without even knowing what it means. Faith in simple words is a “having a strong believe in something”. In the Bible – in the Book of Hebrews and Chapter 11 – Faith is defined as an assurance of things hoped for. The point we make is that faith is…

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Our Thoughts And Behaviour Will Affect Us

Our Thoughts And Behaviour Will Affect Us

Behaviour Can Influence Our Own Outcome It is decisive towards the achievement of objectives and general well-being to know that your behavior will influence your results and the world in which you live. In a way, your behavior controls your life, but the good news is that you can positively control that attitude. Our Own Actions – are the result of our behavior and this, in turn, generates a reaction in others giving us a…

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For The New Student

For The New Student

Generally, to have a very good academic record mainly as a new student, a proper study skill has to be learned and also mastered. Not everyone has the same style of learning nor the same style of studying. Essentially what matters is that whatever be your style, it must be optimized and this is only possible if one follow proper study skills especially as a new student. If as a student we are not doing…

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